Big Missouri Bucks

Over 8,000 acres of private land across five counties.
Ideal hunting geography.
This is where you land a monster Missouri buck.


4 and 5-day Spring Turkey hunts.
One or two birds.
Comfortable on-site accommodations.


Northeast Missouri Hunting Co. is located in a region known for producing big bucks. Unlike neighboring states, Missouri offers licenses over the counter with no lotteries.


A lodge and two cabins offer accommodations for large or small groups, and include basic appliances, a small fridge, and an outdoor grill.

Book Your Hunt

Our 5 and 6-day hunts are self-guided and include stands. We feature rifle, archery, and muzzleloader Whitetail hunts, as well as Spring Turkey and varmint hunting.

Photo Album


View trophy harvest and trail cam photos from our current and previous seasons.

Our land has plenty of natural protein for the deer and we plant bean, corn, hay and C.R.P. fields as supplement sources to ensure the trophies our hunters seek.

Book Your Hunt Today

2025-2026 Dates

Archery: Sept. 15 - 20, Sept. 22 - 27
Archery: Oct. 20 - Nov. 13, Dec. 1 - Jan. 15
Rifle: Nov. 15 - 30
Muzzleloader: Dec. 27 - Jan. 6

Spring Turkey
April 21 - May 11

Please click here for more details.

Contact Us

Northeast Missouri Hunting Company, LLC
15704 State Hwy Y
Greentop, MO 63546
Telephone: (660) 216-0439
Email: [email protected]

*Texting is the preferred way of contacting us